98161-50828 (Principal), 94180-68665 (Jt. Principal) 01792-223488(Office)
Admission Open for Best CBSE residential schools in Delhi

Nursery to XII

CBSE Affiliated School

Lush Green Campus

Pollution Free Environment

State Of The Art Building

Co-Education & E-Learning Enabled


Dear Students,

All great ideas begin with a commitment to the future. ‘Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture of your own’. For one who has just stepped into this world and has begun to toddle the journey of life, falling, getting up and again faltering every moment is a starting experience of owe, wonder and endless curiosity. This is perhaps, the most crucial phase of life, where the marks we leave, every small scratch and impression play a decisive role in moulding one’s personality. The kind of education we impart to a child at Geeta Adarsh School lays the foundation of life and shapes its destiny. Strategic planning and pragmatic approach must be the rationale behind any experimentation in the field of education. It is a matter of pride for everyone associated with Geeta Adarsh School that we have evolved and successfully implemented a system which caters for the social, moral, physical and emotional development of our children. I am delighted to note that the years of thoughtful and result oriented work has started yielding good returns. The high quality of work is visible in every undertaking. The vision, support and guidance of the management committee continue to be a great source of inspiration for all our endeavours. The opportunity of collaboration between teachers and students creates a harmonious and efficient environment that nurtures them for the society.


Our Vision & Mission

    Bless our Geeta public school and all who pass through its halls of learning. We praise thee for our School, and for the heritage into which we have entered. Take away for our school from our mind, and cherish and strengthen whatever is best.

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